Daily Routine to Boost Fertility & Wellness

When I started this journey I felt like I was doing everything right. I was eating healthy, working out regularly, etc. What I realized is that when it came to fertility, I wasn’t checking many of the boxes. Most of the daily changes I made were small, but when it comes to their impact they were big. For those of you who have read my story, you know that I started by being told my hormones indicated that I was premenopausal. With an FSH of 49 and no explanation, I was determined to manage my hormones naturally and make conceiving a reality.

I wanted to walk through my daily routine. Grab a few or all of the below as I walk you through the why behind them, as well.


  • Mind Clearing– Let’s be real, when someone tells me to meditate I tell them they are crazy. I feel like my brain never shuts down. Try this, try simply relaxing your mind. Download an app like Calm that will walk you through it. The point isn’t to not think, it is simply to take a few minutes to relax your mind. Wake up just 10 minutes earlier for this and you will feel the difference. If you are going through IVF, I suggest the Mindful IVF app.
  • Dry Brushing– this is something I have been doing for some time. Dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system. It exfoliates the skin, helps rid the body of toxins and increases circulation and energy. This is the one I use.
    • Each morning right before you take a shower dry brush your entire body. Use long, strong strokes with medium pressure. Start at your feet and work your way up. You are always brushing towards your heart. After your torso, brush from your fingers to your chest. Take a shower right after to wash off dead skin cells.
  • Lemon Water– I have a cup warm lemon water on an empty stomach to start every day. I warm up a cup of water and add a half of a large lemon. This is a great article on its benefits from MedHelp, but I will give you a few details.
    • Lemons are loaded with vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, potassium and antioxidants
    • Warm lemon water actually flushes excess hormones out of your body, particularly estrogen
    • Added bonus and TMI, it helps me ‘go.’ Really, trust me here.
  • Supplements– my supplement regimen changes a bit depending on my goals. When trying to get pregnant or going through IVF, here was my regimen. I order all of my supplements from Wellevate. As a practitioner, I am happy to create a profile for you if you would like. It will allow me to offer you a discount on supplements, as well. Ordering from Wellevate will ensure the quality and purity. I have provided Amazon links if you choose to find them there. I suggest starting supplements at least 3 months before you fertility treatments or right away if you start trying. See my full blog on supplements here so you can see more detail on the benefits and goals of each supplement.
    • CoQ10– 200mg morning (400mg daily total). It is important that this is CoQ10 Ubiquinol. I split this into morning and evening as studies have found your body cannot process more than 200mg at a time.
    • DHEA– 75mg. I took this one for egg quality but please keep in mind that this is a hormone and you should consult with your doctor. For this one, choose a 25mg supplement and take it 3 times a day.
    • Prenatal– Thorne is my favorite brand due to all of its ingredients.
    • Probiotic– Gut health is one of the key factors to a healthy body, especially when it comes to fertility. I take one with a meal each day. If you are having gut issues you can take it twice a day.
    • Vitamin B– I go with a complex Vitamin B to ensure I get all the Bs I need.
    • Vitamin D– multiple studies have found women struggling to conceive have low levels of Vitamin D. I suggest you get 15 minutes of natural Vitamin D (sun) each day, as well as taking a supplement.
  • Essential Oils– Essential oils were a big part of my fertility. They not just helped me remove the toxins but also helped me with sleep and relaxation. More details can be found in my blog on EOs and Fertility.
    • Specific to fertility, I used Clary Safe, Fennel, Geranium and Cypress. I did 10 drops of each on the inside of my wrists, low back and abdomen starting on the last day of my period.


  • Green Smoothies-Not just does a smoothie give me my greens, it is a great mid-morning snack. For the base I use about a cup of either oat or almond milk. A handful of spinach. A handful of berries. I buy the frozen organic berry blend from Costco. A scoop of powdered greens makes it easy to get additional greens. I prefer one with spirulina and wheatgrass. Two scoops of Collagen Protein (I like Vital Proteins because it dissolves well and isn’t chalky). Avocado is a great way to add healthy fats. I also add 2 T of Chia Seeds. If you are seed cycling this is a great way to take your flax or sesame seeds.


  • Exercise– keeping your body moving and blood pumping is important in all aspects of life, but especially for fertility. It also helps manage stress, mood and can improve sleep quality. I always tell people to find a workout that keeps them motivated and keeps them moving. I did more intense workouts because that is what felt good to me. The old saying ‘listen to your body’ is so true. Talk to your doctor about exercise options. I do suggest you limit intensive exercise is during IVF protocol and the two week wait.
  • Castor Packs– Castor packs have been found to aid in fertility in multiple ways. It brings blood flow to the abdomen, supports ovarian and uterine health, reduces inflammation and detoxifies the liver. My naturopathic doctor had me use this to help with digestion and improve my gut health, as well.
    • I like Queen of Thrones because it comes with a cloth that is easy to apply and keep on, even if you are up and moving around (it has ties on it). It includes a large container of organic castor oil and an informative guide. Use Castor Packs is simple as you are adding the castor oil to the pad and applying it to your abdomen. It is suggested that you the pad up.
    • It is ideal that you do them every night. Some doctors even suggest you wearing the cloth overnight.
  • Supplements
    • CoQ10-I take another 200mg in the evening
    • Magnesium- Magnesium helps with repair as well as gut health. It also keeps me going, if you know what I mean 🙂 I actually used this all through pregnancy to help with that, as well. You want to look for Magnesium Citrate.
    • Melatonin- more recent doctors have been sharing studies on melatonin and fertility. I took it nightly to help me sleep. Most doctors suggest 3mg.
  • Epsom Salt Bath– Epsom salt is great for detoxification. It can also put the body in a restful state. Not all Epsom is created equal so try finding some at a natural store. Here is a pure Epsom from Amazon. I add lavender essential oil to help with relaxation. Add this to the salts before you put them into the bath as the oil and water won’t mix. Be sure to drink a full glass of water after your bath as the detoxification process can dehydrate the body.
  • Oral Health- Oral health is so important. Multiple ties between gum health and fertility have been found for both women and men. Both of these techniques are used to remove toxins and bacteria from the mouth.
    • I put oil pulling on here because I have seen a lot of people that feel a difference. For me, it was too much work. Oil Pulling is a technique where you take Coconut Oil and swish it around your mouth for 15 minutes. The research I have seen shows that flossing can be quite effective, as well, so I stuck to flossing.
    • Tongue scraping is something I do nightly. It is quick and easy and my mouth feels so much cleaner after. This is the one I use. It basically removes the gunk from your tongue. That gunk includes bacteria. I do about 5 scrapes. Scraping may sound weird, but I assure you there is zero pain. I notice the difference right away.

Wishing you all the best luck in your fertility journey and all of the baby dust. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

This blog is meant for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor before starting any kind of regimen.

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