The Best Supplements for Fertility

The below is not intended to be used for medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before starting a supplement regimen.

Many people are depleted of so many vitamins and minerals as our bodies are not getting all that we need. Food does not provide all the supplements that it used to. Antioxidant enzyme levels have found to be lower in women with unexplained infertility. If you are doing assisted fertility treatments, I suggest that you start supplements at least 3 months before you begin your treatments. Ideally supplements and lifestyle changes are started 6 months before pregnancy.

Prenatal– I have been taking a good prenatal for the last 5 years. It is like a multivitamin with bonus nutrients. Like with all supplements, all prenatals are not created equal. Find one with all of the vitamins and minerals required. I recommend Thorne Prenatal Vitamins. Men should also take a multivitamin daily. I suggest Metagenics.

B Vitamin– We love all the ‘Bs’ when it comes to fertility. Vitamin B is important in both egg and sperm health. I take the Vitamin B from Young Living as it is very complex and includes everything from B1 to B12. B9 is your Folate (not to be confused with Folic Acid, the synthetic version). B12 helps embryo quality.

Vitamin C– Large amounts have been found in ovarian follicles. I suggest making sure this is part of your supplement intake leading up and through ovulation and through the luteal phase. 200 IU is the suggested dose.

Vitamin E– Antioxidant that prevents oxidation which increases with age, and can help egg quality. I took 200 IU in preparation for IVF retrieval and transfer, as it has been found to help uterine lining.

CoQ10 Ubiquinol– It is very important that you look for the Ubiquinol on the label. This is one of the top suggested supplements, as it increases egg and embryo quality. It may also improve uterine lining and sperm quality.

DHEA– I was recommended to take this due to diminished ovarian reserve. This is a hormone, so you definitely want to speak to your doctor about this. It has multiple side effects that you need to be aware of.

Melatonin– This is one that has become more popular with assisted treatments over the last few years. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant. Studies has been found that higher melatonin levels lead to higher AMH, therefore higher follicular count. Take this supplement in the evening. 5mg is the suggested dose.

Royal Jelly– Royal Jelly is rich in amino acids , vitamins, proteins and lipids. It has been found to increase sperm and egg quality.

Vitex– This supplement has been found to promote found to increase progesterone and improve uterine lining. I would not recommend this supplement if you have PCOS, and would not take during your period.

Maca– not to be confused with matcha (green tea leaves). This root is known to fight stress. It is an adaptogen, so adapts to what your body needs. You can buy it ground. I put it in my green smoothie each morning.

Raspberry Tea Leaf– This tea has been suggested for years to assist in implantation, and to prevent miscarriage, when taken leading up to pregnancy. If taken regularly, it has been found to help heal previous uterine trauma from surgery, miscarriage, etc.

There are many other fertility supplements that can aid is specific fertility conditions. Ask your doctor if you are looking for something specific. Feel free to schedule a free consultation with me to learn more.

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