10 Tips to Prepare for Embryo Transfer

That day with the big red circle on your calendar is almost here. If you are anything like me, you have a countdown going in your head. I am sure you are also wondering if you are completely ready. Have you done everything you can do? Let me start by saying, there are no dumb questions when you are going through this process. Make a list. I created a section in my notes on my phone so I wouldn’t forget anything when I was sitting in front of the doctor and nurses. Having the answers is not only going to help the process, but it will ease your mind.

When the big day is here, the doctor implants the embryo(s) into the lining of your uterus. At this point the quality of the embryo and readiness of the uterus are your two key factors for a successful transfer. Here are 10 tips to help ensure that you are in the best position possible on that day.


It is important to follow the instructions that the doctor has given you on medications. Pay attention to the time of day they should be taken. Usually they will note AM or PM on your calendar. You want to take them at the same time each day, so I suggest setting a reminder on your phone. Note any care instructions, including refrigeration, that your doctor has provided. If you are going to be out for the evening and you do a shot at 8pm, plan to bring it with you. I have taken a small insulated lunch box with me before. No one noticed (or cared).

One big thing here is to pay attention to your remaining doses. If you are running low on a medication and heading into the weekend, it might be hard to get or more expensive at a local specialty pharmacy. Keep an eye on them.

Castor Oil Packs

Castor Oil Packs are something my naturopath suggested early on. Here is the one I used. The pack comes with everything you need. I would warm up the cloth before putting the castor oil on. Among its many benefits, these packs detoxify the body and increase blood flow to the uterus.

Uterine Lining

The lining of the uterus is one of the most important pieces to the embryo transfer besides of the quality of the embryo. Sometimes you will hear doctors refer to ensuring your uterus is fluffy. Interesting visual, huh. The reality is that the doctor is trying to get your uterine lining thick enough for the embryo to stick. This will be monitored by ultrasound leading up to your transfer. If the lining is not thick enough, additional medications may be suggested. There are also some add-on treatments for uterine lining. For example, I did Intralipid Infusions. Your doctor will offer these if there are concerns regarding your lining.

Curb Your Sugar Intake

Sugar spikes insulin levels and can cause hormone imbalances. This goes not just for sweets, but foods like white pastas and breads. I know, no fun, but this is only temporary. The more balanced your hormones, the better your chances are for success. You want to stick to a whole food diet, rich in healthy nuts, grains and greens.


There are not enough good things to say about acupuncture and fertility. Leading up to transfer, acupuncture can help with lining, hormone levels, stress and more. Find a local acupuncturist that works specifically with fertility treatments. Your doctor may know of one if you can’t find one you like. If not, check out www.aborm.com to find acupuncturists that specialize in reproductive medicine. For frequency, I suggest 2 days a week leading up, then continuing through your 2WW. You can drop down to once a week during pregnancy if you choose. I also suggest acupuncture the morning of your transfer. My clinic offered it onsite. It made me feel so relaxed and prepared for transfer.


If you have read any of my blogs, you will see that I am a huge fan of supplements. I have a blog that breaks these down into more detail, but here is the list that I suggest for transfer: Prenatal, Vitamin E, Magnesium, L-Argenine, Vitex, Red Raspberry leaf tea and Shatavari.

Cut the Coffee & Alcohol

If all goes well, you are going to have to cut it out soon anyway, so why not start now. I know that coffee addiction is hard to give up, but going decaf isn’t the answer. To remove the caffeine from coffee, there are chemicals involved, so decaf is actually worst for you than regular coffee. If you are struggling with your morning habit, try starting with herbal tea. Often times it will give you that same feeling of your cup of joe. I also suggest Dandy Blend to my clients all the time. It is a tea that actually tastes very similar to coffee. It is a great substitute.


You hear the term ‘attitude is everything.’ Whether you are new to IVF or have been down the road a few times, you know it can be overwhelming and stressful. This is the time when you need to shut it off. Stay distracted. Have a few friends over to watch a good Rom Com. Remember, laughter releases endorphins. If you have trouble relaxing, try an app to guide you. There are apps like Calm and Breethe that help you clear your mind and relax. I like Mindful IVF through the IVF journey. It gives specific relaxion guides based on where you are in the cycle.

Post-Transfer Plan

The big day has come and gone. Now, it is time for you to take some ‘me’ time. The days of thinking bed rest post-transfer is the way to go have long passed. My doctor referred to the next few days as Princess Rest. No need to sit in bed, but you shouldn’t be doing anything too strenuous. It can take a day or so for the embryo to implant, so you want to keep blood flow moving without jarring the process too much. I suggest planning a relaxing few days, possibly with a little pampering. You earned it!

Don’t Be Tempted to Test

I know, easier said that done. During that 2WW there were multiple times I wanted to pee on a stick. Don’t do it. I see so many women asking ‘do you see that faint line’ in the support groups. All you are doing is stressing yourself out more. There is a reason your doc waits to do the blood test. Not just is the blood test the most accurate, but they need to check those HcG levels. HcG levels as low as 10 can be detected by drugstore pregnancy tests, which could lead to a false positive. I suggest you don’t even have the tests so you aren’t tempted. There is no reason to stack on any added stress.

Good luck with your transfer! All the baby dust coming your way. Don’t worry, you are going to do great. As always, if you need any support throughout your process, I am here for you. I offer services that include IVF support. Follow me on Instagram (www.instagram.com/naturally_lb) for more tips.

This blog is informational only. Please speak to your healthcare provider before starting any kind of medical regimen or with any medical questions.

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