Simple Swaps- Home Edition

Today we are going to look at some simple swaps for items you use around the house. Many of you know that I love the Thieves line for cleaning. If you want to be green and clean, Blueland takes it to the next level and removes plastic from their products too. I buy their stuff on Thrive Market (which is also where I buy most of our healthy snacks). Use this link to get 40% off your first order.

Let’s talk about the items we use in our homes. These items we commonly use in our kitchens often come into direct contact with our food. Numerous chemicals present in these products can seep into our dishes, countertops and directly into the food you eat. Additionally, chemicals from laundry detergents and dryer sheets tend to linger in our clothes, subsequently transferring onto our skin and potentially being absorbed. Despite a prevailing myth suggesting that natural products may not clean as effectively, numerous studies have demonstrated otherwise. Many natural cleaning products contain potent ingredients that effectively kill bacteria, fungi, and viruses, surpassing the performance of their chemical-laden counterparts.


  • DISHES– I’ve personally found Lemishine to be an excellent choice in terms of cleanliness, all while offering great value for money. They have Dishwasher Pods, a Rinse Aid (think JetDry) and Dish Soap. I also like Blueland dishwasher pods because they don’t have the plastic on them.
  • FLOORS– On the floors I like a good steam mop. If you like an old fashioned mop try Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds.
  • SURFACES– Nothing beats Thieves Household Cleaner for every surface. It comes in a concentrate so it lasts forever. I use it on everything.



  • DETERGENT– This was one of my first switches. I can assure you that Stoneworks is highly effective at cleaning even the toughest items like sweaty gym clothes and the messiest little boy clothes. Blueland has great diswasher pods that are plastic-free, as well.
  • DRYER– Dryer sheets are one of the top chemical offenders. Switch them out for dryer balls. I just leave them in the dryer. They are $12 and last forever. If you like a little scent on your clothes put some drops of essential oils straight on the dryer balls. If you want to transition over, Stoneworks does make dryer sheets too, but I haven’t tried them.



  • SOAP– Try to avoid those seasonal soaps. All those fragrances = chemicals. I use Young Living Lushious Lemon It smells so good! You can buy reusable soap dispensers and the concentrate and it lasts forever.
  • CANDLES– I’ve opted to steer clear of candles altogether because of the carcinogens they emit into the air. Fortunately, there are now companies producing non-toxic candles, free from harmful chemicals. However, I personally prefer using a diffuser instead. It’s convenient, and the scent lingers throughout the day without any health concerns. Here are a few of my favorites.

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